Geographical Information Systems Project
A quantitative analysis of sea level rise.
This Project was developed for the "Big Data in Geographic Information Systems" course in the Master Degree in Data Science.
The main goal of the project is to evaluate the relationship between sea level rise and its two main causes: rise of sea water conservative temperatures and melting of glaciers.
To do so, I utilized three different models from the CMIP archive. For each one of them, I developed both a brief time series analysis and a geographical analysis.
Then, I proceded to calculate the correlation between the three variables, and to evaluate the predictive capabilities of the two explanatory variables with a Granger Causality Test.
With this project, I therefore attest my abilities to:
- Work with high dimensional arrays of data thanks to xarray.
- Work with geographical data and .nc files.
- Analyse and decompose time series.
- Draw meaningful geographical plot with python, matplotlib and seaborn.
- Study correlations and causations between time serise.